
30+ yrs trilife & 10+ yrs coach   |   IRONMAN® Certified Coach  |  TRAININGSPEAK® Level 2 Coach    |  STRYD Coach    |   DTU C-Level   |   Vegan & vegitarian Nutrition    |   Berlin & International

Kraichgau - Hardtsee - Preperation

Nice to meet you!

My name is Marcel. I am the founder and owner of SBRC and have designed my own training principle for the last ten years. Together with Mark, we offer you a balanced approach to coaching: We always look at your health and well-being, and in this context, how we bring together fitness, nutrition, trust in your abilities, family, relaxation, fun, and reliability creates a harmonious overall picture.

There is a lot of potential in every athlete. We are here to awaken this potential within you and to find a healthy and lasting path to your success.

More than 30 years of experience in triathlon and more than 10 years of 1:1 coaching with international athletes give you significant advantages, whether small or large goals.

With us, you will find individual training plans designed to fit into your life and help you achieve your “Personal Kona.”

Coach Marcel at Ironman Italy

Our Philosophy

It's always quality rather than quantity, and that's why the sport stays clean!

Every journey starts with the first step. Many athletes lead busy lives and are looking for a way to do their training in a time-saving and effective manner. Career, family, and friends should not be neglected.

We train all levels of athletes in the middle and long distance, but also short distance.

As a rule, each of us coaches no more than 20 athletes per season to have enough time for each individual. This means that in all years, the athletes reached the finish line healthy with a new personal best. We are represented worldwide up to the IRONMAN® World Championships 70.3 and 140.6.

IRONMAN WC Hawaii Raphaels Run Kona


Here is a quick overview of our service:

  • Individual training plans (based on the 80 | 20- , Maximum-, Norway-Principle and classic training approaches)
  • Effortless Swimming, Total Immersion Swimming and Open Water
  • Watt-based cycling and running training
  • Material advice, bike workshops, customizing
  • Vegetarian/vegan diet in everyday life/racing
  • Keto and intermittent fasting
  • Race day support
  • Bodyweight-based strength training
  • Video analysis
  • Management of sponsors
  • Rowing as a strength/balancing sport
  • Agile life organization (Kanban)
  • Mental coaching
  • Cycle-based training plans for women
  • Support in German and English (fluent)

For more detailed information, read on in the section "Coaching".

IRONMAN EM Frankfurt - Athlete Support
IRONMAN 70.3 Kraichgau - SBRC Team Ride
Hyrox World Champion and World Record Holder Antje Hagen
IRONMAN WC 70.3 Nice Raphas Bike Transition
Glienieker Lake Openwater Swim Training
IRONMAN Kraichgau with athletes in T1
Inge Stettner World Champion 70.3
Scenic Course Italy
Nikolche brought a PB home in puring rain


100+ Athletes and 3 Pros

17 World Championship Qualifier

5 National & 3 EU & 4 World Champion Age-Group Title 

220+ Races

96281 Workouts successfully done

23 Nationalities

47.3 Avrage Rest Heartrate

2 Everesting Finisher

7,1% Vegan & 18,5% Veggie Athletes

47 podiums


"Ich bin schon seit 30 Jahren im Triathlonsport unterwegs und habe in dieser Zeit unterschiedlichste Trainingsmethoden ausprobiert, allerdings nie mit Unterstützung durch einen Trainer. Heute bin ich 56 Jahre und nehme seit 3 Jahren auch wieder an Ironman Wettkämpfen teil. 

Diesmal wollte ich es aber richtig machen und mit Unterstützung eines Trainers möglichst effektiv trainieren. Durch Zufall wurde mit Marcel empfohlen und das war für mich ein absoluter Glückstreffer. Er begleitet nun seit genau einem Jahr mein Training und ich konnte emich in allen drei Disziplinen deutlich verbessern, weswegen in 2023 die Quali für Hawai angehen werde.

Marcel nutzt für mein Trainingsplanung Trainingspeaks und steuert damit zielgenau die Trainingsbelastung. Alle Einheiten werden mit ihren Trainingsdaten präzise erfasst (Garmin, Stryd, Zwift und Wahoo), auf dieser Grundlage wird das Training gesteuert und ständig der Leistungsentwicklung angepasst, dabei wird langfristig auf die Wettkämpfe hingearbeitet. 

Dazu kommt seine persönliche Erfahrung, die er ständig in das Training einbringt und einen auch wieder auf die Spur bringt, wenn es mal nicht so zu laufen scheint. Für mich ein unschätzbarer Wert!"

BY HENNING SCHUCHARDT  (Dreieich, Germany)

"Einen guten Coach zu finden, der einen verletzungsfrei von Saison zu Saison bringt ist schon schwer genug. Einen Coach zu finden, der einen in weniger als einem Jahr von "Habe keine Triathlon Erfahrung und kann nicht kraulen" zu "You are an Ironman!" bringt, ist nahezu unmöglich. 

Umso glücklicher bin ich, dass ich direkt zu Beginn meiner Triathlon-Laufbahn an Marcel geraten bin! Seitdem steht er mir mit „Rad und Tat“ zur Seite. Egal, ob es ein spendiertes Essen vor dem Wettkampf ist oder das Aufheben, wenn man die Kurve ein bisschen zu optimistisch genommen hat, Marcel zeigt einem als Athleten stets, wie sehr er sich um einen sorgt.!"


"As an amateur athlete, I needed to find the perfect match and harmony between family, professional, and sports. I wanted to find my way to reach the next level. Just like my three main activities, the triathlon needs a reliable plan for the three disciplines. 
I came from self-training with some potential. Immediately after starting to train with Marcel, my motivation, strengths, and results became better, stronger, and faster based on the customized remote training plans, including the full lifecycle of the preparation until racing and recovery. The way you train and how you do it is mainly influenced by your coach with his methods, experience, suggestions, and motivation.  My coach explained all the math behind the TP plans and brought me to the right numbers before the competitions. My coach guides me through the right nutrition choices, devices, and equipment decisions. Thanks to Marcel, I am proud of getting two times one of my dreams come true by qualifying to the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship. Thank you, coach!

See you all in 2023 Lahti, Finland!!"

BY MARIUS CIMPEAN (Cluj-Napoca, Romania)

"Marcel ist ein Trainer den man sich nur wünschen kann! Wir arbeiten seit drei Jahren zusammen und meistern seitdem Höhen und Tiefen. Nach einer längeren Verletzungspause hat er mich anfangs mit alternativem Training und später mit einem angepassten Trainingsplan wieder auf die Beine gebracht. Ich konnte meinen Weg im Triathlon, dank ihm, wieder finden.  Die Trainingsbetreuung ist stets kompetent, empathisch und basiert auf den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Es ist absolut seine Passion, das beste aus jedem Athleten raus zu holen.

Marcel plant individuell und nach Absprache Woche für Woche mit Trainigpeaks meinen Trainingsplan. Das ist für mich besonders wichtig, da ich Vollzeit arbeite und eine gute Balance zwischen Training und meinem Job benötige und wenn’s mal brennt, dann wird mein Plan auch kurzfristig von ihm angepasst.

Marcel hat meine Möglichkeiten im Kopf  und ich habe ihm demnach zu verdanken, dass ich mich 2020 für die WC 70.3. in St. Georg/Utah qualifizieren konnte. Ich freue mich auf die weitere Reise mit ihm!"


"I’ve been training with Marcel for over two years and can’t recommend him enough. His personalized training programs are meticulously crafted, addressing my unique needs and goals. His motivational skills are exceptional, pushing me beyond my limits while ensuring a balance with my overall health. His expertise in sports science has significantly enhanced my performance and understanding of triathlon. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to elevate your triathlon skills, Marcel and Mark are the ideal coaches for any triathlete."

BY PLEURAT HALILI (Prishtine, Kosovo)

"I have had the pleasure to train with Marcel for over four years now and can certainly say that I enjoyed every bit of it. From a beginner runner of maybe 10km a week to an athlete finishing multiple Ironman 70.3  as well as Marathons Marcel was there. On the way improving with every new race and hitting new PBs.


 He was there in the beginning helping me finding my first bike second-hand and building it up for me, improving my running form and teaching me how to properly swim. Due to the fact that I was living close by, improvements to the bike, support with nutrition and group rides were all part of the experience. When Corona hit Virtual Races were created and new friends in the swimbikerun Coach community were made.

 Overall I can truly say that I enjoy being coached by Marcel and are more than happy with the improvements I have seen. Together with you he was there to work through ups and downs making the experience great. Thank you very much for everything."

BY FERDINAND (Alicante, Spain)

"I'm Giulia and I've been an athlete of Marcel for almost a year, he's the best Coach I've ever had, he pays attention to the person and the results you can achieve. He is a Coach who is always present and ready to motivate you and find solutions together to make your workouts optimal. It's really teaching me a lot not only from a sporting point of view but mentally towards the sport itself. I love working with him every day."

BY GIULIA PELO  (Italy/Germany)

I can no longer imagine life without Marcel. This sentence probably sums it up quite well. Marcel is not only a good coach... He made me a triathlete, he made me faster and mentally stronger. And that is especially important for triathlons and the high training workload. We've been training together for 1.5 years, and he always sees the big picture. Whether privately or athletically, he is always there for me. 

Is there anything I don't like about him? He is ALWAYS right... ;);) I look forward to many more years and our sporting journey together—next year we go for the World Championships.

BY ANTJE  (Mallorca, Spain)

"Marcel ist ein extrem engagierter und motivierender Coach mit hoher Erfahrung in allen Trainingsbelastungen. Trainingslangeweile ist ein Fremdwort!! Ich habe für meine Ziele mit Marcel seit mehr als 2 Jahren den richtigen Coach gefunden. Danke Marcel!"

BY FRANK SCHMITZ (Frankfurt, Germany)

"Das größte Glück hatte ich, auf Dich zu treffen und noch mehr Dich heute auch meinen Freund 
und Coach nennen zu können. Als Freund siehst Du über meine Schwächen hinweg, als Coach 
bringst Du die nötige Härte mit, dass ich mich auch ordentlich quäle."

BY THORSTEN KÖNIG (Turnau, Germany)

"Von Zuschauer und Marathonläufer geht es jetzt zur Mitteldistanz. Auf dem Weg dahin begleitet
mich Marcel nun schon eine Weile als Trainer, der immer ein offenes Ohr hat und alles (gerade beim
Schwimmen für mich als Anfänger sehr wichtig) sachlich, ruhig und sehr kompetent erklärt. Auch ein Fahrrad hat er mir kostengünstig mit seinem Know-How zusammengestellt.

Die Saison 2017 haben wir als Freunde in Hamburg, Berlin und Rügen erlebt. Das Triathlon Fieber hat mich dank Marcel voll erwischt.  Jetzt geht es auf die Halbdistanz!"

BY SASCHA EINHORN (Berlin, Germany)

"I came to Marcel after I registered for my first IronMan, because I had no idea how to train and I wanted to do it right. It was the best decision I could take.

Marcel really knows all the science behind training and could give me an optimized training plan from week to week and I arrived at the IronMan perfectly prepared and I could do it sub12 while taking a lot of pleasure. Even though I got a knee injury and couldn't run for several months, Marcel adapted the plan so that I always stay on track. He also gave me very smart advices regarding the improvement of my bike.

On top of that, he's someone very smart and very funny, I'm very happy to have him as a new friend today."

BY BEN BENOIST (France/Germany)

"As an absolute beginner, I would not have had the confidence to tackle such a challenge without a coach,
and I definitely found a great one in Marcel: Not only did he take the time to understand my motivations and prepare a plan that was flexible around a busy schedule but also helped and gave me advice from what bike and gear to buy, to fitting my bike, to nutritional (vegetarian) advice.

 Above all though, he gives constructive feedback, is patient when I am stressed and strict if I don't follow the training plan - I feel that he wants me to do well in the race and enjoy the sport as much as I do!"

BY CHLOE KAYSER (Luxembourg/Germany)

"Ich bin dank meines Trainers und auch mein Vater, der auch Coach ist, nun unter den Besten in Brasilien und starte offiziell für mein Heimatland. Und das alles nach 8 Monaten.

In 2018 starte ich bei den Olympischen Spielen der Jugend und bei den Brasillienischen Meisterschaften im Sprint Triathlon und Duatlon. Ich will der beste meines Landes werden. Auf geht es, ich habe noch viel zu verbessern und zu lernen!"


"I came to Marcel when I decided to register for my first Ironman. I already had some
experience having done a 70.3 but I was looking for a coach that could motivate me to
get to the next level while keeping the fun in it, and Marcel turned out to be a great fit.

He really took in all my feedback to create a plan that fits very well into my life. I had one
of the most packed and memorable race seasons so far and I’m really thankful for all the
help and advice that I got!"

BY JENNY WALLÉN (Schweden/Germany)

"Since having Marcel as a coach I have been able to make great progress. He is attentive and focused on the whole athlete - strong and healthy.  He takes you where you are and helps lead you where you wanna go. He also speaks German and English, which has been a lifesaver for me as an American abroad."


"After having completed few triathlons and once signed up for my first IRONMAN - I was looking for a coach. Given my demanding job and since training volume increased I’m very pleased with Marcel´s training plans since in they are tailored to your individual situation and focus on efficiency while being super effective.

You always feel there is a very specific reason of the training you are doing and if life cuts through your plans, Marcel is always there to adjust and support. Since I work with Marcel I constantly improved PBs. Marcel is also super supportive with equipment, nutrition and planning advice - not oneself, looking forward to the next season!"


"In Vorbereitung auf meine erste Langdistanz und nach einigen 70.3 wollte ich mein Training, Ernährung
und Material strukturiert professionalisieren. Für mich war es wichtig einen Trainer zu finden der nicht nur einen statischen Trainingsplan entwickelt, sondern mich in allen Bereichen individuell unterstützt - und mit Marcel habe ich hier den richtigen Partner gefunden!

Marcel strukturiert die Trainings sehr effizient und gut aufeinander abgestimmt, was bei mir mit immensen Verbesserungen in allen Disziplinen einhergeht. Neben der Leistungssteigerung hat er zudem immer eine Auge auf eine gute Balance zwischen Intensität und Erholung. Neben fundiertem Rat zu einzelnen Sessions, Hilfe bei der Anschaffung von Material und intensive Betreuung während meines einmonatigen Trainingscamps - macht es vor allem Spaß mit Marcel zu arbeiten, da er nicht nur ein guter Coach, sondern auch einfach ein klasse Typ ist! "

BY DANIEL REISER (Berlin, Germany)

"Marcel helped me to grow from an absolute beginner to an IRONMAN finisher! As an amateur athlete, I had tons of things to figure out, from setting up my training environment to structuring my training schedule. Marcel supported me throught the entire process for me to reach my goals successfully. He also gave me advice and adjusted my training schedule based on my individual circumstances, which was essential for me to juggle work, life, and training. Now I successfully completed IRONMAN 70.3! 
Thank you, Marcel!"

BY Shunichiro Mimura (Japan)

"Nachdem ich zwei Jahre ohne einen Coach trainiert habe, entschied ich mich für Marcel und dessen Know How. Ich wollte mein Training auf eine höhere Ebene bringen und das geling mir mit Marcel! Dessen Erfahrung und Trainingsansätze haben mir geholfen mich sportlich neu zu erfinden! 

Mit Trainingspeaks, Stryd und Bereda habe ich eine neue Trainingssteuerung kennen gelernt, wodurch Marcel mein Training immer genau auf mich zuschneidet, und ich freue mich auf die Zukunft Coach."

BY M.W. (Germany)

IRONMAN 70.3 Rügen Swim Finish

Coaching CREDO

"A coach is someone who tells you what you don't want to hear, who has you see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be"

Tom Landry, Pro Football Hall of Fame


Partnerships based on conviction

We are an official partner of OTE Sports. After long tests in daily training and racing, we are 100% convinced of the OTE products.

That's why we have entered into a partnership for our athletes. In our opinion, OTE is one of the best sports nutrition manufacturers on the market. Of course, with lots of vegan products throughout. We are convinced!

OTE Sports

There from the beginning - with the first STRYD in Europe, we started our work to store watt-based measurements for training and competition as the basis of our running method.
We have participated in all previous product cycles and can say with conviction that there is no comparable product. 


Let's start here again, because that's how we make the difference. We have the first eo devices in Europe and can now carry out comparable analyzes in real time when swimming, like when measuring of power. We can also visualize the swimming stroke.

We are completely convinced that eo will change everything again!

eo lab

AI generated nutrition guide based on training planning. And this is fully integrated into Trainingpeaks, our basis for your training. Daily comparison for your goals and recommendations for nutrition during your training, depending on the time of day.


What a world champion does cannot be wrong for an age grouper - especially if it is a product from our homeland - Made in Germany. René Rosa has made incredible developments in recent years and is making printed racing suits at the highest level of textile technology possible.

What is more convincing than the right product on your own skin.

René Rosa 

Partnerships based on conviction

We tested here, too, on the TT, road, and gravel bikes. Especially on gravel, we saw how effectively the chain is protected and lubricated and how smoothly everything runs. We are enthusiastic and convinced, so this partnership is essential for us and our athletes!